Vagi Hair Salon Help! I Just Washed My Hair With My Girls Vagi Clean! Will Anything Weird Happen!?

Help! I just washed my hair with my girls Vagi Clean! Will anything weird happen!? - vagi hair salon

Basically, I have a home to shower and thought it was the shampoo and it was not ...
My head has been itching for since I came back and used, from 30 to 45 minutes.
Why did not look like a shampoo to hell anyway!


piranhag... said...

Haha wow dude that sucks, probably one of the funniest things I heard in a while. Ull Mabey VAG grow clean ur head or something. who knows.

piranhag... said...

Haha wow dude that sucks, probably one of the funniest things I heard in a while. Ull Mabey VAG grow clean ur head or something. who knows.

AshleyAn... said...

hahahah, what the hell your stupid, at least clean haha I think it should go, if there is a vagina on his head has to be good ^___^

Kolkata-... said...

Watch out - it is possible to grow pubic hair on my head!

Kolkata-... said...

Watch out - it is possible to grow pubic hair on my head!

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