Motor What Is The Different In Synthetic Motor Oil Then Regular Motor Oil?

What is the different in Synthetic motor oil then regular motor oil? - motor

What is the difference in synthetic motor oil and then the regular motor oil? If I use synthetic oil, motor oil, I can return to normal later in the future? I have a 2000 Dodge Durango 5.9 engine.


Jacinto Luis said...

Synthetic oils for gasoline engines in North America consists primarily of base oils and polyalphaolefin or PAO Group IIIs. There are many other types of plastics, but both are most common. Compared to mineral oils, plastics offer a better resistance to high temperatures and significant flow behavior at low temperatures and are therefore preferable options in severe operating environments. NASCAR and Formula 1 cars use mostly synthetic products, for reasons I mentioned earlier. The use of synthetic materials actually started in aviation, when aircraft fly faster and higher and the temperature was very serious. Its spread application in other areas of the automotive industry.

When using synthetic materials and want to regulate themselves to the type of mineral oil, can not act because these modern oil formulations automotve developed to enable a good compatibility between the categories of oil. Any mechanic who says not return from mineral, synthetic or vice versa, is part of the old school. The fact is that there is now a myth, although manyRS has these problems. But why shitch back to mineral oils, which are lower synthetic at all? The mixture of the two is good, but not receive the full benefits of synthetic properties. The worst that happens is that little or no oil in the crankcase, so that the mixture well.

Paul said...

Synthetic oil is more stable to changes in extreme temperatures. It also has a flash point, which means it burns at a higher temperature when the oil regularly. Therefore, it was used in the first engines. You can always come back, or a homogeneous mixture. You see that in some oil bottle. Dice synthetic blend or fully synthetic. Another thing is, the year it is more expensive, but you can go twice as far, at least the oil change.

Paul said...

Synthetic oil is more stable to changes in extreme temperatures. It also has a flash point, which means it burns at a higher temperature when the oil regularly. Therefore, it was used in the first engines. You can always come back, or a homogeneous mixture. You see that in some oil bottle. Dice synthetic blend or fully synthetic. Another thing is, the year it is more expensive, but you can go twice as far, at least the oil change.

archange... said...

The main difference is the size of the molecule. Size is much smaller for the synthetic oil so that it places that can not reach the conventional oils, and can more time can tolerate conventional reach! I never go back to conventional after using synthetic oil, mainly because of the lack of protection of regular oil does. I use synthetic products for over twenty years and have saved a lot of internal parts on all my vehicles because of the superior properties of synthetic lubricating oils!

CO said...

Both good answers.

For owners of motorcycles, although my opinion is that you can not change it with a bike that has a wet clutch. I just wanted to add that all cyclists on the search.

I stretch my oil change intervals for oil sythetics and had no problems in over 50k miles. Consider it to be a little cooler.

mister ss said...

synthetic lubricates better and you can double the mileage between oil changes and whether he will return to normal oil whenever you want.

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