How To Do Hip Cleaner HIP PIERCING . NEED HELP PLS READD !!!!!!!!!!! ::)?

HIP PIERCING . NEED HELP PLS READD !!!!!!!!!!! ::)? - how to do hip cleaner

Ok i jus qot my hip pierced 2 days ago. I Staright bar but his plastic, I think I have a bar 90 Deegree? and as I am my own hip piercing CUS i really love it I will not dismiss wronq now everything is fine, but now want cogens, how can I clean. MA piercer told me to spray juice H2Ocean. Benn do dat 3 to 4 times per day there is something I should do?

my hip piercing:¤t=Picture0008.jpg


Brittany said...

Is it plastic or Tygon? Tygon is great for surface piercings, but in general a curve to the jeweler.

If the plastic is correct, then you should definitely have done some research before you trust whom you trust punch.

With the hips and jewelry completely inadequate, the risk of rejection is very high, but nobody knows how long. They can last 2 weeks, 2 months, who knows.

Do not drill back to ... by how you speak, I suppose you are a small and a hole, the holes in the surface of a minor child does is crazy.

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